

Legal Disclaimer
Any services or products offered by RFA Bank of Canada ("RFA") are only available in places where it is lawful to do so. For our mortgage products, it is important for you to refer to and review the relevant documentation provided to you as it contains important terms and conditions. The terms and conditions contained in these documents, along with any other terms and conditions which may in the future exist between you and RFA shall remain in full force and effect and shall apply to the relevant product or service.

Not Offering Any Advice Specific to Your Needs
The information contained in the pages of this web site is of a general nature only and is not intended to provide specific financial, tax, legal or accounting advice for you. You should not act or rely on the information without first seeking the advice of professionals who can properly assess whether or not it applies to your own situation.

Availability of our Products and Services
It is important for you to understand that not all of the products and services described in the website are offered to or available to every member of the general public. Availability of these products and services are subject to the specific terms and conditions of these products and services.

No Warranties
The information provided in the pages of this website is for informational purposes only. Although we do our best to make sure this web site is always accessible and functioning properly, and contains accurate and up to date information, we are supplying it on an "as is" basis, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied. We cannot and do not promise that the site will always be available and meet your needs, that access will never be uninterrupted, that there will never be delays, failures, errors or omissions or loss of transmitted information, that the software we use will be compatible with your system, that no viruses or other contaminating or destructive properties will be transmitted or that no damage will occur to your own computer system.

We reserve the right to change the information, material and content found in the pages of this site, including these terms and conditions, at any time without notice, by simply updating this site. You agree to review these terms and conditions periodically, and your continued use of this site will tell us that you have agreed to the changes.

Trade Marks and Copyright
Product names, words, titles, phrases, logos, icons, certain names, logos, icons, graphics or designs or other content in the pages of the web site are trade names or trade-marks or service marks of RFA Bank of Canada and RFA Capital Group Inc., the use of which may have been licensed to them. The display of trademarks on pages at this website does not imply that a license of any kind has been granted to anyone else. Any unauthorized downloading, re-transmission, or other copying or modification of trademarks and/or the contents herein may be a violation of federal or common law trade mark and/or copyright law and could subject the copier to legal action.

All information found in the pages of this website is protected under the copyright laws of Canada and in other countries. Unless otherwise specified, no one has permission to copy, redistribute, reproduce or republish, in any form, any information found in the pages of this website.

If you are interested in establishing a link from your website to our home page, or if you wish to incorporate RFA Bank of Canada or RFA Capital Group Inc.'s name, or our product names within another site, please contact us for permission. Inquiries about permission should be directed to:

RFA Bank of Canada
ATTN: Marketing Department
145 King Street, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario, M5H 1J8

Email Disclaimer
Communications via email are not always encrypted and are not necessarily secure. There is a risk that any personal information contained in an email may be intercepted by unauthorized third parties. Use of email is for your convenience only, and by using email to communicate with RFA, you assume the risk of unauthorized use. Use of more secure communications, such as phone, fax or mail is always an available alternative. If you choose to communicate with RFA via email, you acknowledge and accept responsibility for the associated risks.

No Endorsements
External links to websites outside RFA Bank of Canada and RFA Capital Group Inc. are provided to you for informational purposes only and for ease of reference. By providing access to this information we are not intending to provide validation or endorsement of any third parties unrelated to us. If you use the links to access and use the information provided by these external sites you are doing so at your own risk.