
Rates effective February 11th, 2024 @ 12:01 am ET. | Teal Indicates Recent Change
*Please note: all rates below are "starting at"


Term/Credit 680+ 640+ 600+ 500 to 599 Insider Compensation*/Fee Standard Compensation/Fee
1 Year Fixed 5.29% 5.49% 5.69% 5.89% 70 bps* 60 bps
2 Year Fixed 5.24% 5.44% 5.64% 5.84% 80 bps* 70 bps
3 Year Fixed 5.09% 5.29% 5.49% 5.69% 90 bps* 80 bps
Rate Premiums* Rental properties
31-35 year amortization
Extended Ratios (TDS >50%)
Lending areas
Major Credit Event (MCE)
1% Lender Fee
*Insiders can earn an additional 5 bps EB
Additional rate premiums may apply
Maximum GDS/TDS 50%
Extended GDS/TDS up to 65% and credit scores below 500 considered on a case-by-case basis, contact your RVP.
Rate Hold: 90 days

Credit Matrix

  Extended Ratios Plus Extended Ratios Basic Standard Ratios
Max LTV 80% 75% 65% 80%
Credit Score ≥ 720 Max TDS = 60% Max TDS = 60% Max TDS = 65% Max TDS = 50%
Credit Score ≥ 640 to 719 Not Eligible
Credit score ≥ 500* to 639 Not Eligible
Credit Score < 500 Case-by-Case Case-by-Case
Property Location GTA/GVA Only  Major Major/Medium Major/Medium/Minor
Occupancy Owner Occupied & Rental
Additional Rate premiums and/or loan amount restrictions apply for Extended Ratios & credit score < 500.

For more information contact your RVP.

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Lending Areas

Quick Tips

Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) as defined by Statistics Canada
Assess the home and surrounding neighborhood with Google Maps (Satellite and Street view)
Properties should be in excellent condition and in a marketable residential neighborhood with similar recent comparables

Can’t find a location? Please contact your RVP or submit a quick quote.

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